Monday, September 28, 2009

The moments of our lives....

Sometimes I look around into nothing but darkness, the only sound being the struggles my shallow breathing and the quickening of my heartbeat. Alone. That's how I feel sometimes. Lonely? Sometimes.

I think there are times in all of our lives that we look around and see nothing. There's nobody to talk to, nobody who takes the time to listen and understand. Perhaps because we don't quite understand ourselves. Sometimes our feelings and emotions can get so complicated and tangled into one another that we don't know how to communicate our thoughts. At least, that's how it can be for me.

I understand how it feels to want to disappear from life for a while, I really do, but I also know that there ARE better days, and I know that sounds so cliche, lol. But what I mean is that we all have moments where we would rather not deal with our problems, where we wish we could just give up and let god deal with our mess. But there are also those moments that we wouldn't give up for the world. Maybe its graduation, or looking into the eyes of your child for the very first time, or even toe-curling, butt naked, tarzan sex, lol. It could be as simple as sharing a laugh with a friend, or a touching word from a stranger. Whatever it is...those are the moments we have to live for.

I'm not saying that things will get better for anyone, or even myself for that matter. I cant promise that...but there are going to be times when things will BE better. If that makes any sense.

Lets think a little deep for a second.

Now rewind.

...things may not GET better, but there are going to be times when they will BE better. That side-splitting laugh, that friendly smile, that helping hand from a person unknown, the satisfaction that comes after reading the greatest book. These are the moments you will be thankful that you didn't give up. These are the moment you will forget about that darkness and be grateful for what you do have.

They might last 5 mins, hell they may only last 5 seconds, but these moments...they'll happen, like streams of sunlight in a dark tunnel. They'll be there. We just have to make sure we're here to see them, because these are the moments of our lives that we cannot afford to miss.

*this started as a word of advice to an efriend who's been pm'ing me and is feeling like giving up. Of course, this is not the version I sent to her, this is extended for my blog. It's rough, and I'm not quite sure if it makes any sense because I'm sleepy, but I hope you were able to decipher the overall message :)
